Welcome to my blog....a collection of Christian notes, thoughts, other words of wisdom and some general fun stuff from various sources.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is holiness?

Christians are called to be children of God—and that means being holy children of God. A holy lifestyle is the natural and joyful fruit of the “sanctifying work of the Spirit.”
What is holiness? Just as a mechanic realigns a car’s wheels so it will drive safely on course, so the Spirit realigns human lives and hearts to walk the path of true life. Followers of Jesus begin to have different attitudes, motives, and actions because the Spirit of God is working in them, making them more like Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).
Holiness must become our great pursuit. As we grow to listen to, learn from, and live by God’s Word, we are being transformed by the Spirit. A genuine child of God is eager to hear his voice, be clothed in his truth, and live as one “able to test and approve what God’s will is.”
We are often tempted to focus on self-seeking opinions, feelings, and personal comforts. But God’s children refuse to be conformed to the world. They are simply committed to holiness, the sanctifying work of the Spirit.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A clear mind

A clear mind is one that’s aligned with God’s Word and controlled by His Spirit. When the Lord has authority over our thoughts, discernment will guard our perspective. He empowers us to look beyond the surface and view situations as they really are. We can distinguish not just between right and wrong but also between good and best. The Lord has granted us the ability to think rightly no matter what challenges may face us.—Charles Stanley

Saturday, July 23, 2011

3 basic truths about finances

Three Basic Truths Regarding Finances:
1.      God owns it all
2.      We are managers of His possessions
3.      We are responsible and will one day give an account to Him about the way we used His resources.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Being God's Ambassador at Work

Being God’s Ambassador at Work
·         Don’t be afraid
·         Tell the truth.
·         Work for God.
·         Do the right thing.
·         Flee evil.
·         Know your strengths.
·         Give the Lord credit.
·         Be patient.
·         Prayerfully offer wise solutions to problems.
·         Glorify God.
·         Take a break and honor your priorities.
·         Forgive.