Welcome to my blog....a collection of Christian notes, thoughts, other words of wisdom and some general fun stuff from various sources.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday, Sept. 16

Went back to Church of the Cross today; this was the first church we attended after we moved to Florida. Music was OK. It seemed like most of the songs were Christian songs that you hear on the radio and were not really designed as choruses or songs to be sung along with by the congregation. But that's OK, no church is going to have everything they way we want it. The sermon was on God's viewpoint on dating, and even though the dating thing really doesn't apply to us, it was still a dynamite sermon. The pastor simply told it like it is and pulled no punches in talking about how God views dating. Even though a topic like that may not apply directly to me, you can listen to the sermon and know that this church and this pastor is very bibically-based and bibically sound, which is the most important thing for any church.

We didn't stay for the Bible study that follows church, but plan to next week. They have a series now on a biblical world view, which sounds really interesting.

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